Grab & Gobble With Jive Turkey


Sportin’ my sweet Jive Turkey apron

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday! It’s a time for food (lots of it) and family! What is better than that?! (NOTHING!) I look forward to keeping old traditions alive, starting new ones, and making memories that will last a lifetime.

My best memory from childhood was Thanksgiving dinner! Every year my Grandma and Aunt would work for days preparing for our enormous feast. Thirty of us would gather around the table and enjoy three different turkeys, homemade stuffing and pierogies, delicious mashed potatoes, and an array of fantastic desserts!

So…I was pretty excited to celebrate this magnificent holiday a few weeks early this year! Why? Because, we received a jive turkey (a deep-fried turkey seasoned with salt, pepper & garlic) from Jive Turkey, and I just couldn’t wait until Thanksgiving day to taste my first ever, deep-fried turkey!

I was graciously awaiting my UPS delivery! I was standing at the door before the man even got out of his truck. I thought about just running out there, open arms, and grabbing the box, but I contained myself (not without snapping a picture first, of course!)


A cooked turkey…delivered right to my door! (As my Uncle John would say, “It’s a great time to be alive!”)

I frantically opened the box…and…there it was…a perfect, flawless, beautifully colored turkey! (Seriously, the kind you only see in movies or in those fancy food magazines.) My mother just couldn’t comprehend my excitement, over a turkey!

I was saying silent prayers that it tasted as good as it looked.

A mere hours later I popped that beautiful bird into my 350° preheated oven (per Jive Turkey’s instructions that came with my shipment). I didn’t have to go to all the trouble that it takes to prepare a turkey-cleaning it, pulling out the insides (EW), seasoning it, and cooking it for half a day (leaving insufficient room in my oven for the rest of the food needing cooked.)
In only an hour and ten minutes it was done! That was it!

We removed the turkey from the oven and took it out of the bag it came in. Oh, man…it was even prettier piping hot!
My husband started to slice it gently (not before taking a picture, of course!)


We set it out to serve, along with the other Thanksgiving fixings: mashed potatoes, stuffing, and corn. I was SO excited!

The five us sat down to eat. We took our first bites…


The skin was so crispy (like fried chicken). The meat was succulent and incredibly flavorful! I’ve honestly never tasted a better, more mouth-watering turkey in all my life (and I’ve eaten a lot of turkey in my 35, er…36 years).

My kids asked for seconds and thirds and fourth helpings (I promise I’m not exaggerating). I finally had to cut them off because I thought we might end up in the emergency room from turkey overload! (Is there such a thing?)

Jive Turkey stores are located in New York and Chicago. There are 15 different flavors to choose from, including their best selling turkey flavor, Peach Bourbon glaze (YUM!)

You can order online from JiveTurkey and have your turkey delivered overnight!

It’s worth every penny!

Purchase your holiday turkey from Jive Turkey today & spend time on what’s really important on Thanksgiving Day!

Check out the Jive Turkey FB page


  • DISCLAIMER:  I was not paid by Jive Turkey to write this review. Opinions are all my own (of course).


Filed under Product Reviews, Thanksgiving

2 responses to “Grab & Gobble With Jive Turkey

  1. When we moved to the South several years ago my brother started frying turkeys for our holiday dinners. They are so moist yet with the crispiest skin- there is nothing better! I may have to try Jive Turkey since we live in a condo and don’t have an area to fry our own. I think we should have a Thanksgiving meal at least bi-monthly! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my gosh-I completely agree with you! Bi-monthly Thanksgiving dinners would be fantastic!! We have turkey left for days from this turkey! It seemed to have cut VERY nicely, too! I’ve really been missing out on these deep-fried turkeys, for sure! Nothing like it!


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